Varsities 2022 Cork

Pool Session

Pool session

Varsities 2022 Cork
Wednesdays, UCD Pool 9pm - 10:30pm, during college term
The only kayak-based ball sport recognised by the World Games, canoe polo is the perfect stage on which to combine paddling skills with strategy, team skills and athleticism. New members are encouraged to give it a go and even form a beginner team to enter in the Dublin Canoe Polo League.
Polo teams comprise of five players including one goalie. Players wear full face helmets, slimmed down bouyancy aids and specialised polo decks and must shoot the ball in the opposing team's goal, a rectangle suspended a paddle-height above the water. The game, played in 10 minute halves, is fast and furious or speedy and skillful depending on who you ask.
A minority sport in Ireland (and indeed the world) canoe polo is played by several clubs and colleges around the country and polo competitions are held at intervals during the year, including a polo tournament at the kayaking intervarsities.