The Dee cup
The Deirdre Conroy Perpetual Trophy was presented to the club by Dee's family to both ensure she is fittingly remembered but also to recognise the individual who best represents the fine qualities she embodied. Each year a club member is awarded with this trophy in acknowledgement of how that individual partied hard, kayaked harder and actively enlivened the club with their positive, vibrant and fun-loving personality.
2022-23: Conn O'Gorman
2021-22: Mariosa Bryceland
2020-21: Bill Fitzgerald
2019-20 - Cathal Gillen
2018-19 - Mark Hoare
2017-18 - John Finn
2016-17 - Deividas Rainys
2015-16 - Simon Grennell
2014-15 - Ailbhe Tuohy
2013-14 - Niall Finch
2012-13 - Marie Harrington
2011-12 - Jeremiah Dunn
2010-11 - Eoghan O'Riordan
2009-10 - Leighton Hoban
2008-09 - Karen Vejsbjerg
An introduction to the Dee Cup [Maryanne, February 29, 2012]
Deirdre Conroy
Dee joined UCDCC in 2005 and was an active member both on and off the water. If there was a party she was at it and if there was a paddling trip she was on it! She embodied the spirit of UCDCC, whether that was egging her own house during a night out or swimming 6 times on an infamous Annamoe trip. She loved kayaking, she loved her club mates and she loved UCDCC. She won "Fresher of the Year" in her first year, playboated in Uganda in her second year, and served on the club committee as Safe"Dee" Officer (her own title for the position) in her third. She was loved by all who knew for her ever present smile, her ready laugh and her sparkling personality.
She tragically drowned during Kerry 2008 while paddling with her friends.
The Deirdre Conroy Perpetual Trophy
The Deirdre Conroy Perpetual Trophy was presented to the club by Dee's family to both ensure she is fittingly remembered but also to recognise the individual who best represents the fine qualities she embodied. Each year a club member is awarded with this trophy in acknowledgement of how that individual partied hard, kayaked harder and actively enlivened the club with their positive, vibrant and fun loving personality.
In the awarding of this trophy those of us who will never get the chance to meet her can glimpse how much the club valued her, how much we miss her but also how her legacy lives on in the club, especially through all those who have the honour of being awarded this trophy.
- Simon Rowan
In the first years of its existence, the cup was awarded for "most improved paddler" but after some discussion it has been acknowledged that it has evolved to include more. In the past this award has not been given to freshers, since there is a separate award for the Fresher of the Year, but club members in their second, third and fourth years have all been considered.