The most photographed discipline offered by the club; entry level whitewater (grade 3/3+) is suitable for new members who've invested some time on the basics, and the higher end (grade 4/4+/5) can give even the most experienced paddlers a run for their money! Encounter rapids and drops initialy and progress to run waterfalls, punch through holes and negotiate pourovers.
Club trips featuring white water take place in Wicklow later in the year, new members can experience higher volume paddling for the first time and are encouraged join in with the more experienced paddlers in running rapids and wavetrains as many times as possible, all in the name of catching the white water bug.
UCD Canoe Club paddlers enter in white water races around the country during the year, including the Colligan Gorge Games and Wacko on the Jacko. These competitions are a great opportunity for paddlers to gain experience on more challenging irish white water and represent their college.
Private trips are often organised and see UCD paddlers running white water rivers around Ireland on their days off, such as the Dargle, Glenmacnas, Upper Liffey, Clare Glens, Roughty and the Flesk. In the summer many choose to visit the Alps to experience the next level of white water, touring France, Italy, Slovenia and Switzerland and sampling some of what Europe has to offer, on and off the river. These trips are not organised by the club but contribute to the collective experience of our members, which often benefits all members indirectly; hearing about exotic rivers abroad or being warned to avoid some local specialities.